
Mass effect 1 pc ita
Mass effect 1 pc ita

mass effect 1 pc ita

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    mass effect 1 pc ita

    To maximise your Total Military Strength and open up the best Mass Effect 3 endings, you should carry over a save from previous games, complete as many side missions as possible, and use Mass Effect 3 planet scanning through the Galaxy Map to collect additional War Assets to bolster your forces.Game or Patch Questions? Visit FileForums As there is no multiplayer or apps linked to the Legendary Edition, Galactic Readiness has been removed from the equation and your Total Military Strength is just your Effective Military Strength. In the original Mass Effect 3, your Total Military Strength was determined by multiplying your Effective Military Strength (the sum of your War Assets) by your Galactic Readiness, a scale from 50-100% which you could increase by playing multiplayer matches and using companion apps. Some of your TMS comes from previous missions you completed and squad members who survived the events of Mass Effect 1 and 2, so it pays to play through those two games first and carry over your save – if you jump straight into Mass Effect 3, you'll be at a disadvantage and will have to work harder to build up the necessary TMS.

    mass effect 1 pc ita

    Your Mass Effect 3 Total Military Strength is based on a combination of the crew, weapons, ships, armies, items, and technology you gather throughout the campaign, known collectively as War Assets. Mass Effect romance | Mass Effect keepers | Mass Effect endings | Mass Effect 2 romance | Mass Effect 2 loyalty | Mass Effect 2 weapons | Mass Effect 2 endings | Mass Effect 3 romance | Mass Effect 3 weapons | Mass Effect 3 armor Mass Effect 3 Total Military Strength - how to increase TMS and change ending options You can check your TMS value by accessing the War Terminal within the War Room on the Normandy, so before you start Act 3 and pass the point of no return you should ensure you've reached the level you require for your choice from the Mass Effect 3 endings. At a TMS of 1750 or above you can choose between those two options, and at 2800 or more the third Synthesis ending is also available. The Total Military Strength you've managed to amass will directly affect the Mass Effect 3 endings you have available, as with a TMS of less than 1750 you will only have one possible outcome – either the Destruction ending if Shepard destroyed the Reaper Base at the end of Mass Effect 2, or the Control ending ending if Shepard saved the Reaper Base.

    Mass effect 1 pc ita